Should we have a part-time job while attending high school?
This is a question that everyone should have an idea on as a concerned teenager or a parent.When high school students take after-school jobs, there may be a negative impact on their school achievement.As SCHLOSSER wrote on the page79 of the chapter " BEHIND THE COUNTER","as more and and more kids work to get their own wheels ,fewer participate in after-school sports and activities.They stay at their jobs late into night,neglect their homework and become exausted"".Teenagers are "exhausted " of the two pressions.At that age ,it is difficult to handle the problems of an irritating job and the duties of a demanding school.They work long hours and become too tired to focus on their homework.
"It makes sense: a teen who devotes eighteen or twenty hours a week to shelving restaurants will be hard pressed to find time for homework in higher level math courses, or to write research papers for advanced science, literature, or history classes .Clearly, teens who work after school also are less likely to participate in extra-curricular activities – clubs, sports, and community service projects – which not only impress college admissions personnel, but help build positive attitudes towards school. The more hours teens work, the more likely they are to be absent from school; and high school teachers can unerringly point to the students in their classes who work the longest hours.Working affects school completion and performance. Boys who work between 5 and 15 hours a week are 40% less likely to complete 12th grade. More than half of teens with part-time jobs said work affected the amount of time they spent on school work. 12th grade results were slightly lower for those who worked more than 10 hours a week at a part-time job."Many parents believe part-time jobs increase a teen's sense of responsibility and ease the transition to the adult workplace.It is uncongested that having a part-time job gives a social experience by helping to interact with people from different background,whereas 10 hours are enough for a high school student.The extremely long hours teens spend on their working places restrict their time for knowledge and subjects they can succeed.
Gallis,Victor."How Part-Time Jobs Affect Teen School Performance"."Teenagers at Work".
April 27,2009
This is a question that everyone should have an idea on as a concerned teenager or a parent.When high school students take after-school jobs, there may be a negative impact on their school achievement.As SCHLOSSER wrote on the page79 of the chapter " BEHIND THE COUNTER","as more and and more kids work to get their own wheels ,fewer participate in after-school sports and activities.They stay at their jobs late into night,neglect their homework and become exausted"".Teenagers are "exhausted " of the two pressions.At that age ,it is difficult to handle the problems of an irritating job and the duties of a demanding school.They work long hours and become too tired to focus on their homework.
"It makes sense: a teen who devotes eighteen or twenty hours a week to shelving restaurants will be hard pressed to find time for homework in higher level math courses, or to write research papers for advanced science, literature, or history classes .Clearly, teens who work after school also are less likely to participate in extra-curricular activities – clubs, sports, and community service projects – which not only impress college admissions personnel, but help build positive attitudes towards school. The more hours teens work, the more likely they are to be absent from school; and high school teachers can unerringly point to the students in their classes who work the longest hours.Working affects school completion and performance. Boys who work between 5 and 15 hours a week are 40% less likely to complete 12th grade. More than half of teens with part-time jobs said work affected the amount of time they spent on school work. 12th grade results were slightly lower for those who worked more than 10 hours a week at a part-time job."Many parents believe part-time jobs increase a teen's sense of responsibility and ease the transition to the adult workplace.It is uncongested that having a part-time job gives a social experience by helping to interact with people from different background,whereas 10 hours are enough for a high school student.The extremely long hours teens spend on their working places restrict their time for knowledge and subjects they can succeed.
Gallis,Victor."How Part-Time Jobs Affect Teen School Performance"."Teenagers at Work".
April 27,2009
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