Sunday, April 18, 2010

negative health effects of fast food


This is a journal of Teresa an editor in the Organic Consumer Association. This article explain how fast food is causing problems for the health Westerners in a number of ways. Firstly,it seems that high levels of fat and sugar are not only unhealthy but addictive,which creates a vicious cycle making it hard for people to choosehealthy food. Secondly, aggressive marketing in fast food restaurants is leading to larger than ever servings and targeting children to set their parents patterns for life. And thirdly, the agricultural, preserving and processing techniques that go toward producing low-quality food for the fast-food market are compromising the health of the consumer even further.It also emphasizes on the fact that how food it is produced and who controls it, are important issues. " The way that it is processed and marketed can have a big
effect on health and economics too."


This is an article of Glenn Freiboth giving six negative effects of fast foods.It shows that fast foods have high energy density and defines the concept "high energy density".It resumes results of some research done over the past years.It finalize by showing that fast foods can leads to obesity and heart disease."Fast Food restaurants feed the obesity epidemic by getting people to eat many more calories than they need through persistent advertising."


This magazine article is written by Amanda Williams. It shows how fast foods affect our health.It focuses on the extra calories , that saturated and trans fats, salt,the lack of vitamines and minerals ,the portion size and the additives.Fast food is lacking in nutritional value, as it is rarely made of fresh fruits, vegetables or whole grains. By consuming fast food, you are missing out on essential vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy.


This is an article that answer to the question of why fast foods are dangerous to the health. It shows that fast foods encourages the bad eating habits by offering at least half of the normal
dietary allowance. The article also gives clear explanations about employment and agricultural implantations in the fast food industry. It shows that they offer abundant employments mainly because working in a fast food does not require a college diploma or reasonable career experience. It conclude by saying that fast food domination has several implications both for the health of individuals and for the health of the entire globe."Another issue in the fast food industry is the health hazards that fast food chains are prone to. A particular hazard is the E-coli bacteria that meat products are susceptible to."


This is an article from ABC news written by RADHA CHITALE .The article resumes a recent study done by Swedish researchers where 18 healthy, slim teenagers had to be in a fast food diet. Subjects had meals from popular chains twice a day for four week while refraining from exercise. At the end of the experience, subjects had liver damage and gained 16 pounds.The subjects were eating "an outrageously high amount" of calories, said Keith-Thomas Ayoob, associate professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Ayoob said the calorie intake was almost double the average daily caloric intake of most Americans, which is about 2,700 calories. Beside obesity and type 2 diabets, the swedish study showed that the liver is also at risk when you" roll up to the drive-through "

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