Saturday, May 15, 2010

processed foods causes cancer

This is an article from the ARTICLE SNACH JOURNAL by Gregory Smyth summarizing the result of a study done by the center of cancer in Taiwan. In fact , the research has shown a strong relationship between processed foods and lung cancer. Smoking has always been consider as a primordial cause of lung cancer. However there has been many cases from people who have never smoke in their entire day."It is commontly thought that if you don't smoke cigarettes, you will not develop lung cancer. Unfortunately, 15% of all lung cancer deaths are in non-smokers."( aticleSnatch). Inorganic phosphates found in processed foods like meat, cheese , bakery products contribute to the development of the disease, as well as speed the spread of smaller tumors.
In the research issued in the American journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medecine , published by the American Thoracic Society, scientists from Seoul National University conclude that a diet high in inorganic phosphates , which are found in several processed foods ,might spur the growth of lung cancer.The researchers also suggest the food additive may contribute to the development of malignancies in people predisposed to lung cancer. It is sure that our organism needs phosphate, but the use of inorganic phosphate as an additive to increase water retention and food texture has amazingly increased in the last decades.

Ounce a rare disease cancer is nowadays a widespread affecting as much as 1/3 of the population. The rise of cencer has unfortunately paralleled the rise of processed foods.For exemple vitamine A that strengthens the immune system and found in organic animals foods are absence in the processed ones.Vitamine B17 that protects against cancer are only found in some unprocessed like grown grains, legumes, nuts and berries.
This is an article from the Cancer Cure Center. It gives some tips and advice about how to choose our foods to protect yourself from cancer. " Foods harm , foods protect."Instesad of processed and dangerous foods , people may choice from a variety of organic and protective foods. For exemple, organic avocados are rich in glutathione , a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body. They also contain a lot of potassium that is a huge help in the treatment of viral hepatitis a cause of liver cancer

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