Throughout researches I have been doing the whole semester, I found out that the biggest department in most food companies is marketing. I expected food industries to focus on safety, so the news really chocked me. Months later, I decided to go behind the label of our foods especially processed foods. I found a hidden face behind these long and hard to pronounce substances in our foods. In fact, people are nowadays more exposed to processed foods that they were in the previous decades. However, not all of them are tested by the FDA. The problem is that many scientists and health professionals argue that there is a link between cancer and such foods. Because of this alleged link, I think that the FDA should find and test the ingredients in processed foods.
Nowadays, people are more exposed to processed foods that they were in the last decades. Processed foods are foods which have been “chemically altered “through additives, flavors enhancers, binders, colors, fillers, preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers etc., or which has been manufactured through synthesis, combination or any other methods. Any types of foods that are not natural are considered processed foods."Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into foods or to transform food into other forms for consumption by the food processing industry. Food processing alters products to produce attractive, convenient, marketable often long shelf-life food products”( http://foodquality.wfp.org/FoodProcessing/tabid/119/Default.aspx?PageContentMode=1 ). In the last three decades, consumption of processed foods has dramatically increased. In fact, their sales have reached $3.2 trillion or about three-fourths of the total world food sales” (Reqmi Vs Gehlhar, Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains). However, Americans have been more exposed to them than their counterparts in almost any other countries. “US consumers prefer convenience over quality”, says USDA Economic Researcher Mark Gehlhar ( fooducate.com/blog/2010/04/11 ).In Japan for example the processing of fish products is usually just cleaning and freezing them, whereas here chemicals and additives are mostly added. (http://www.aboutnutrition.com/ ). Unfortunately, while the consumption of these foods is alarmingly increasing the paradox is that these foods are not always tested.
The test standard of processed foods by the FDA is unpersuasive because some products are not tested the way they should be or sometimes not even tested. Recently, Americans have been more criticizing toward the FDA. In a survey done by the Consumer Union,” while 73 percent polled currently regard the overall food supply as safe, nearly half (48%) said their confidence in the safety of the nation’s food supply has decreased. A bare majority of Americans feel the government is doing all it can to ensure food safety (54%). Eighty-three percent of respondents are concerned with harmful bacteria or chemicals in food and 81 percent are concerned with the safety of imported food” (http://www.consumersunion.org/pub/core_food_safety/006298.html ).Considering the situation it worth to be susceptible toward the FDA’s work. In fact, in an aseptic process where the food and the package are sterilized separately, the percentages of the reported Fats, Carbons, Protein, etc of a product are based on the ingredients used to prepare it. They do not even consider those entire products that have been added while preparing. ” A product’s recipe is handed over to the FDA and they tell you the percentages. The actual product is never tested. The recipe doesn’t take into account variables such as extra oil added during manufacturing or dark chicken meat or skin that the supplier may mix in such as the oil used to prepare it. (http://www.divatoolbox.com/self/diet-and-nutrition/1397-some-truths-about-food-labeling.html ) . It is obvious that the nutritious facts of the product are going to change ounce all these new ingredients considered. Moreover, FDA does not test the level of chemicals fertilizers in foods. WILL TAFT, has been studying some records. However, he reported not finding any test done to check the level of fertilizers. (http://willtaft.com/food-safety/the-dirty-dozen-of-food ). The problem is that a link between processed foods and cancer has been recently detected.
Researchers and health professionals argue that there is a strong link between processed food and cancer. The consumption of processed foods exposes consumers to a higher risk of cancer. In an article published by aboutnutrition.com, Shereen Jegtvit has written that processed foods increase the risk of kidney, pancreatic and lung cancer. In fact a seven year study of 200,000 people by the University of Hawaii has found that people who ate the most processed meats such as hot dogs had 67% higher risk of pancreatic cancer than those who ate little or no processed meat products
bites.html). Moreover, some ingredients added during the food processing such as trans acid increase the risks of breast cancer especially for women over thirty- five. A study done by two French groups from the National Institute of Health and Medical Researches has shown that women developing a high level of trans fatty acid, found in most processed foods, had nearly twice the risk of developing breast cancer than those with a lower level. Processed foods lead to different types of cancer but the most recurrent is still lung cancer.
From all types of cancers, processed foods are more likely to cause lung cancer. Processed foods are one of the most rarely mentioned causes of lung cancer. Many people think that smoking is the only cause of lung cancer. However, there have been many cases from people who have never smoked in their entire life. “It is commonly thought that if you don't smoke cigarettes, you will not develop lung cancer. Unfortunately, 15% of all lung cancer deaths are in non-smokers."(AticleSnatch). That means smoking covers 85%, the rest which may be caused by processed foods is never mentioned .In addition, our organism certainly needs phosphate, but in the last years we have been exposed to numerous inorganic phosphates. “Inorganic phosphates found in processed foods like meat, cheese, bakery products contribute to the development of the disease, as well as speed the spread of smaller tumors “(http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081229080851.htm ). Scientists from Seoul National University have concluded after several researches that a diet rich in inorganic phosphates, might accelerate the growth of lung cancer (http://www.naturalnews.com/025201_cancer_lung_foods.html ). These inorganic substances are a lot more absorbed in the last ten years."In the 1990s, phosphorous-containing food additives contributed an estimated 470 mg per day to the average daily diet. However, phosphates are currently being added much more frequently to a large number of processed foods, including meats, cheeses, beverages, and bakery products. As a result, depending on individual food choices, phosphorous intake could be increased by as much as 1000 mg per day," Dr. Cho explained in the media statement” (http://www.viewzone.com/ ). It is clear that people are too exposed to processed foods containing a lot of inorganic phosphates. Therefore, I think that it is high time we took a new beginning and control the ingredients of the foods we consume.
Because of all this polemics on processed foods and cancer, I think that the FDA should be more determined to find all substances and ingredients that are used in our foods. The food and Drug Administration has an obligation to check and make sure that the products people use are not harmful or unhealthy. Thus, they should go behind the label of products. They can't just hold on to what the food companies say or reveal to them. While checking the nutritious facts of products, the FDA should consider the final products after including mostly omitted ingredients such as the oil used to cook it. That would be helpful to not only those who would like to know everything about what they include in their diet, but also to prevent terrifying news such as the link between processed foods and cancer. It would be great if the FDA had at least one representative per company, following the food processing from the beginning to the end every single day. That would help the FDA to be more aware of the ingredients and therefore take better decisions including blaming certain substances from the food market. Children always eat candies or snacks artificially flavored and preserved with chemicals. Hence, everyone should demand that the FDA does a better job to protect all consumers especially these innocent younger generations who are more exposed to cancer than ever before. I also think that the FDA should be more aware of all these life and health that may be affected by their work. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration should also be very selective toward imported products and make sure that they are not related to any kind of health issues. The FDA should do a better job and save people’s life.
In conclusion, food processing has known an alarming increase in the past few years. Because they are not always tested, health professionals argue that there is a link between these types of foods and cancers; especially lung cancer. That is why I believe that the FDA could make the difference by testing and controlling all substances and ingredients present in our foods. Thus, the healthy ingredients will be kept and the harmful ones removed. That would save consumers’ life and reduce the frequency of cancers, the number one cause of death in the United States.
http://willtaft.com/food-safety/the-dirty-dozen-of-food )
Nowadays, people are more exposed to processed foods that they were in the last decades. Processed foods are foods which have been “chemically altered “through additives, flavors enhancers, binders, colors, fillers, preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers etc., or which has been manufactured through synthesis, combination or any other methods. Any types of foods that are not natural are considered processed foods."Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into foods or to transform food into other forms for consumption by the food processing industry. Food processing alters products to produce attractive, convenient, marketable often long shelf-life food products”( http://foodquality.wfp.org/FoodProcessing/tabid/119/Default.aspx?PageContentMode=1 ). In the last three decades, consumption of processed foods has dramatically increased. In fact, their sales have reached $3.2 trillion or about three-fourths of the total world food sales” (Reqmi Vs Gehlhar, Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains). However, Americans have been more exposed to them than their counterparts in almost any other countries. “US consumers prefer convenience over quality”, says USDA Economic Researcher Mark Gehlhar ( fooducate.com/blog/2010/04/11 ).In Japan for example the processing of fish products is usually just cleaning and freezing them, whereas here chemicals and additives are mostly added. (http://www.aboutnutrition.com/ ). Unfortunately, while the consumption of these foods is alarmingly increasing the paradox is that these foods are not always tested.
The test standard of processed foods by the FDA is unpersuasive because some products are not tested the way they should be or sometimes not even tested. Recently, Americans have been more criticizing toward the FDA. In a survey done by the Consumer Union,” while 73 percent polled currently regard the overall food supply as safe, nearly half (48%) said their confidence in the safety of the nation’s food supply has decreased. A bare majority of Americans feel the government is doing all it can to ensure food safety (54%). Eighty-three percent of respondents are concerned with harmful bacteria or chemicals in food and 81 percent are concerned with the safety of imported food” (http://www.consumersunion.org/pub/core_food_safety/006298.html ).Considering the situation it worth to be susceptible toward the FDA’s work. In fact, in an aseptic process where the food and the package are sterilized separately, the percentages of the reported Fats, Carbons, Protein, etc of a product are based on the ingredients used to prepare it. They do not even consider those entire products that have been added while preparing. ” A product’s recipe is handed over to the FDA and they tell you the percentages. The actual product is never tested. The recipe doesn’t take into account variables such as extra oil added during manufacturing or dark chicken meat or skin that the supplier may mix in such as the oil used to prepare it. (http://www.divatoolbox.com/self/diet-and-nutrition/1397-some-truths-about-food-labeling.html ) . It is obvious that the nutritious facts of the product are going to change ounce all these new ingredients considered. Moreover, FDA does not test the level of chemicals fertilizers in foods. WILL TAFT, has been studying some records. However, he reported not finding any test done to check the level of fertilizers. (http://willtaft.com/food-safety/the-dirty-dozen-of-food ). The problem is that a link between processed foods and cancer has been recently detected.
Researchers and health professionals argue that there is a strong link between processed food and cancer. The consumption of processed foods exposes consumers to a higher risk of cancer. In an article published by aboutnutrition.com, Shereen Jegtvit has written that processed foods increase the risk of kidney, pancreatic and lung cancer. In fact a seven year study of 200,000 people by the University of Hawaii has found that people who ate the most processed meats such as hot dogs had 67% higher risk of pancreatic cancer than those who ate little or no processed meat products
bites.html). Moreover, some ingredients added during the food processing such as trans acid increase the risks of breast cancer especially for women over thirty- five. A study done by two French groups from the National Institute of Health and Medical Researches has shown that women developing a high level of trans fatty acid, found in most processed foods, had nearly twice the risk of developing breast cancer than those with a lower level. Processed foods lead to different types of cancer but the most recurrent is still lung cancer.
From all types of cancers, processed foods are more likely to cause lung cancer. Processed foods are one of the most rarely mentioned causes of lung cancer. Many people think that smoking is the only cause of lung cancer. However, there have been many cases from people who have never smoked in their entire life. “It is commonly thought that if you don't smoke cigarettes, you will not develop lung cancer. Unfortunately, 15% of all lung cancer deaths are in non-smokers."(AticleSnatch). That means smoking covers 85%, the rest which may be caused by processed foods is never mentioned .In addition, our organism certainly needs phosphate, but in the last years we have been exposed to numerous inorganic phosphates. “Inorganic phosphates found in processed foods like meat, cheese, bakery products contribute to the development of the disease, as well as speed the spread of smaller tumors “(http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081229080851.htm ). Scientists from Seoul National University have concluded after several researches that a diet rich in inorganic phosphates, might accelerate the growth of lung cancer (http://www.naturalnews.com/025201_cancer_lung_foods.html ). These inorganic substances are a lot more absorbed in the last ten years."In the 1990s, phosphorous-containing food additives contributed an estimated 470 mg per day to the average daily diet. However, phosphates are currently being added much more frequently to a large number of processed foods, including meats, cheeses, beverages, and bakery products. As a result, depending on individual food choices, phosphorous intake could be increased by as much as 1000 mg per day," Dr. Cho explained in the media statement” (http://www.viewzone.com/ ). It is clear that people are too exposed to processed foods containing a lot of inorganic phosphates. Therefore, I think that it is high time we took a new beginning and control the ingredients of the foods we consume.
Because of all this polemics on processed foods and cancer, I think that the FDA should be more determined to find all substances and ingredients that are used in our foods. The food and Drug Administration has an obligation to check and make sure that the products people use are not harmful or unhealthy. Thus, they should go behind the label of products. They can't just hold on to what the food companies say or reveal to them. While checking the nutritious facts of products, the FDA should consider the final products after including mostly omitted ingredients such as the oil used to cook it. That would be helpful to not only those who would like to know everything about what they include in their diet, but also to prevent terrifying news such as the link between processed foods and cancer. It would be great if the FDA had at least one representative per company, following the food processing from the beginning to the end every single day. That would help the FDA to be more aware of the ingredients and therefore take better decisions including blaming certain substances from the food market. Children always eat candies or snacks artificially flavored and preserved with chemicals. Hence, everyone should demand that the FDA does a better job to protect all consumers especially these innocent younger generations who are more exposed to cancer than ever before. I also think that the FDA should be more aware of all these life and health that may be affected by their work. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration should also be very selective toward imported products and make sure that they are not related to any kind of health issues. The FDA should do a better job and save people’s life.
In conclusion, food processing has known an alarming increase in the past few years. Because they are not always tested, health professionals argue that there is a link between these types of foods and cancers; especially lung cancer. That is why I believe that the FDA could make the difference by testing and controlling all substances and ingredients present in our foods. Thus, the healthy ingredients will be kept and the harmful ones removed. That would save consumers’ life and reduce the frequency of cancers, the number one cause of death in the United States.
http://willtaft.com/food-safety/the-dirty-dozen-of-food )
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