Tuesday, June 8, 2010

alert!!!!! processed foods cause CANCER

Throughout researches I have been doing the whole semester, I found out that the biggest department in most food companies is marketing. I expected food industries to focus on safety, so the news really chocked me. Months later, I decided to go behind the label of our foods especially processed foods. I found a hidden face behind these long and hard to pronounce substances in our foods. In fact, people are nowadays more exposed to processed foods that they were in the previous decades. However, not all of them are tested by the FDA. The problem is that many scientists and health professionals argue that there is a link between cancer and such foods. Because of this alleged link, I think that the FDA should find and test the ingredients in processed foods.

Nowadays, people are more exposed to processed foods that they were in the last decades. Processed foods are foods which have been “chemically altered “through additives, flavors enhancers, binders, colors, fillers, preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers etc., or which has been manufactured through synthesis, combination or any other methods. Any types of foods that are not natural are considered processed foods."Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into foods or to transform food into other forms for consumption by the food processing industry. Food processing alters products to produce attractive, convenient, marketable often long shelf-life food products”( http://foodquality.wfp.org/FoodProcessing/tabid/119/Default.aspx?PageContentMode=1 ). In the last three decades, consumption of processed foods has dramatically increased. In fact, their sales have reached $3.2 trillion or about three-fourths of the total world food sales” (Reqmi Vs Gehlhar, Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains). However, Americans have been more exposed to them than their counterparts in almost any other countries. “US consumers prefer convenience over quality”, says USDA Economic Researcher Mark Gehlhar ( fooducate.com/blog/2010/04/11 ).In Japan for example the processing of fish products is usually just cleaning and freezing them, whereas here chemicals and additives are mostly added. (http://www.aboutnutrition.com/ ). Unfortunately, while the consumption of these foods is alarmingly increasing the paradox is that these foods are not always tested.
The test standard of processed foods by the FDA is unpersuasive because some products are not tested the way they should be or sometimes not even tested. Recently, Americans have been more criticizing toward the FDA. In a survey done by the Consumer Union,” while 73 percent polled currently regard the overall food supply as safe, nearly half (48%) said their confidence in the safety of the nation’s food supply has decreased. A bare majority of Americans feel the government is doing all it can to ensure food safety (54%). Eighty-three percent of respondents are concerned with harmful bacteria or chemicals in food and 81 percent are concerned with the safety of imported food” (http://www.consumersunion.org/pub/core_food_safety/006298.html ).Considering the situation it worth to be susceptible toward the FDA’s work. In fact, in an aseptic process where the food and the package are sterilized separately, the percentages of the reported Fats, Carbons, Protein, etc of a product are based on the ingredients used to prepare it. They do not even consider those entire products that have been added while preparing. ” A product’s recipe is handed over to the FDA and they tell you the percentages. The actual product is never tested. The recipe doesn’t take into account variables such as extra oil added during manufacturing or dark chicken meat or skin that the supplier may mix in such as the oil used to prepare it. (http://www.divatoolbox.com/self/diet-and-nutrition/1397-some-truths-about-food-labeling.html ) . It is obvious that the nutritious facts of the product are going to change ounce all these new ingredients considered. Moreover, FDA does not test the level of chemicals fertilizers in foods. WILL TAFT, has been studying some records. However, he reported not finding any test done to check the level of fertilizers. (http://willtaft.com/food-safety/the-dirty-dozen-of-food ). The problem is that a link between processed foods and cancer has been recently detected.

Researchers and health professionals argue that there is a strong link between processed food and cancer. The consumption of processed foods exposes consumers to a higher risk of cancer. In an article published by aboutnutrition.com, Shereen Jegtvit has written that processed foods increase the risk of kidney, pancreatic and lung cancer. In fact a seven year study of 200,000 people by the University of Hawaii has found that people who ate the most processed meats such as hot dogs had 67% higher risk of pancreatic cancer than those who ate little or no processed meat products
bites.html). Moreover, some ingredients added during the food processing such as trans acid increase the risks of breast cancer especially for women over thirty- five. A study done by two French groups from the National Institute of Health and Medical Researches has shown that women developing a high level of trans fatty acid, found in most processed foods, had nearly twice the risk of developing breast cancer than those with a lower level. Processed foods lead to different types of cancer but the most recurrent is still lung cancer.

From all types of cancers, processed foods are more likely to cause lung cancer. Processed foods are one of the most rarely mentioned causes of lung cancer. Many people think that smoking is the only cause of lung cancer. However, there have been many cases from people who have never smoked in their entire life. “It is commonly thought that if you don't smoke cigarettes, you will not develop lung cancer. Unfortunately, 15% of all lung cancer deaths are in non-smokers."(AticleSnatch). That means smoking covers 85%, the rest which may be caused by processed foods is never mentioned .In addition, our organism certainly needs phosphate, but in the last years we have been exposed to numerous inorganic phosphates. “Inorganic phosphates found in processed foods like meat, cheese, bakery products contribute to the development of the disease, as well as speed the spread of smaller tumors “(http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081229080851.htm ). Scientists from Seoul National University have concluded after several researches that a diet rich in inorganic phosphates, might accelerate the growth of lung cancer (http://www.naturalnews.com/025201_cancer_lung_foods.html ). These inorganic substances are a lot more absorbed in the last ten years."In the 1990s, phosphorous-containing food additives contributed an estimated 470 mg per day to the average daily diet. However, phosphates are currently being added much more frequently to a large number of processed foods, including meats, cheeses, beverages, and bakery products. As a result, depending on individual food choices, phosphorous intake could be increased by as much as 1000 mg per day," Dr. Cho explained in the media statement” (http://www.viewzone.com/ ). It is clear that people are too exposed to processed foods containing a lot of inorganic phosphates. Therefore, I think that it is high time we took a new beginning and control the ingredients of the foods we consume.
Because of all this polemics on processed foods and cancer, I think that the FDA should be more determined to find all substances and ingredients that are used in our foods. The food and Drug Administration has an obligation to check and make sure that the products people use are not harmful or unhealthy. Thus, they should go behind the label of products. They can't just hold on to what the food companies say or reveal to them. While checking the nutritious facts of products, the FDA should consider the final products after including mostly omitted ingredients such as the oil used to cook it. That would be helpful to not only those who would like to know everything about what they include in their diet, but also to prevent terrifying news such as the link between processed foods and cancer. It would be great if the FDA had at least one representative per company, following the food processing from the beginning to the end every single day. That would help the FDA to be more aware of the ingredients and therefore take better decisions including blaming certain substances from the food market. Children always eat candies or snacks artificially flavored and preserved with chemicals. Hence, everyone should demand that the FDA does a better job to protect all consumers especially these innocent younger generations who are more exposed to cancer than ever before. I also think that the FDA should be more aware of all these life and health that may be affected by their work. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration should also be very selective toward imported products and make sure that they are not related to any kind of health issues. The FDA should do a better job and save people’s life.
In conclusion, food processing has known an alarming increase in the past few years. Because they are not always tested, health professionals argue that there is a link between these types of foods and cancers; especially lung cancer. That is why I believe that the FDA could make the difference by testing and controlling all substances and ingredients present in our foods. Thus, the healthy ingredients will be kept and the harmful ones removed. That would save consumers’ life and reduce the frequency of cancers, the number one cause of death in the United States.



http://willtaft.com/food-safety/the-dirty-dozen-of-food )






Saturday, May 15, 2010

processed foods causes cancer


This is an article from the ARTICLE SNACH JOURNAL by Gregory Smyth summarizing the result of a study done by the center of cancer in Taiwan. In fact , the research has shown a strong relationship between processed foods and lung cancer. Smoking has always been consider as a primordial cause of lung cancer. However there has been many cases from people who have never smoke in their entire day."It is commontly thought that if you don't smoke cigarettes, you will not develop lung cancer. Unfortunately, 15% of all lung cancer deaths are in non-smokers."( aticleSnatch). Inorganic phosphates found in processed foods like meat, cheese , bakery products contribute to the development of the disease, as well as speed the spread of smaller tumors.

In the research issued in the American journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medecine , published by the American Thoracic Society, scientists from Seoul National University conclude that a diet high in inorganic phosphates , which are found in several processed foods ,might spur the growth of lung cancer.The researchers also suggest the food additive may contribute to the development of malignancies in people predisposed to lung cancer. It is sure that our organism needs phosphate, but the use of inorganic phosphate as an additive to increase water retention and food texture has amazingly increased in the last decades.

www. westonaprice.org/How-to-Protect-Yourself-Against-Cancer-With-Foods.html
Ounce a rare disease cancer is nowadays a widespread affecting as much as 1/3 of the population. The rise of cencer has unfortunately paralleled the rise of processed foods.For exemple vitamine A that strengthens the immune system and found in organic animals foods are absence in the processed ones.Vitamine B17 that protects against cancer are only found in some unprocessed like grown grains, legumes, nuts and berries.

This is an article from the Cancer Cure Center. It gives some tips and advice about how to choose our foods to protect yourself from cancer. " Foods harm , foods protect."Instesad of processed and dangerous foods , people may choice from a variety of organic and protective foods. For exemple, organic avocados are rich in glutathione , a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body. They also contain a lot of potassium that is a huge help in the treatment of viral hepatitis a cause of liver cancer

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"secrets of processed foods"

This is an article from the SUSTAINABLE TABLE published on September 2009. This article explains what processed foods are. It gives the regulations on types of additives such as preservatives, and flavorings. “Most processed foods rely on these additives to restore flavor that is lost in processing or create new flavors altogether. McDonald's, for example, adds "chicken flavor" to its Chicken McNuggets” .It also denounces the safety of such products. Unfortunately, some food and color additives have induced allergic reactions while others have been linked to cancer, asthma, and birth defects. “The FDA requires that all ingredients be listed on a food's label, but additives are often listed without specificity, as "spices" or "flavorings," making it impossible for consumers to determine what, exactly, they are eating.”

Pollen’s book: Omnivore ‘s dilemma
This book begins by reflecting on America’s collective eating disorder. A disorder mostly consisting of a people obsessed by largely unhealthy foods . The United States, as a big melting pot of a variety of cultures and food traditions has lost touch with eating over the last fifty years or so.” Much of what we see in the grocery store or eat at the table is drastically different from the food that we’ve been eating for thousands of years due to processing”( http://fastfoodreviewed.com/page/2/) . This has led to major food related health issues like obesity, type 2 diabetes and my personal favorite, food bourn illnesses.

This is a newsletter from Steven Gortmaker, a professor of society, human development, and health at the Harvard School of Public Health. It announces that Processed foods have, indeed, been implicated in a host of chronic diseases and health conditions such as diabetes, obesity ,heart disease and cancer that are currently plaguing the nation. In fact, a “ seven-year study of close to 200,000 people by the University of Hawaii found that people who ate the most processed meats (hot dogs, sausage) had a 67 percent higher risk of pancreatic cancer than those who ate little or no meat products”. It concludes by saying that some additives effects are unknown because they were not tested

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

No more fast food ads at schools!

Based in the principle of Capitalism, fast food chains are becoming more and more powerful: especially now that they have access to the “last advertising free outpost of the American life”(Schlosser,51) .In fact , the presence of fast food advertising at schools is the result of intensive marketing efforts in order to target children and adolescents , and a silent collaboration between schools and fast foods chains. However, schools are not the right places for fast food ads because such ads disturb students; affect their performance and sabotage parents’ and instructors ‘efforts for healthier foods.

In the recent years, fast food ads are frequent at schools because the food industry in the US has viewed children and adolescents as a major market force. Food marketers are interested in youth as consumers because “they have their own purchasing power, they influence their parents' buying decisions and they are the adult consumers of the future” (Media awareness network). Children and adolescents spend billions of their own dollars annually, influence billions more spent through household food purchases. It is estimated that US adolescents spend $140 billion a year. Children under 12 years of age spend another $25 billion, but may influence another $200 billion of spending per year. Therefore, they become the target of intense and specialized food marketing and advertising efforts. From TV to the internet, it is estimated that over a billion of dollars is spend on children advertising. This budget is probably increasing with the progressive presence of food ads at schools. Just like all roads are good to reach Rome, schools are nowadays part of the “media-saturated environment” (Mary Story and Simone French, the International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity).

The presence of fast food advertising at school is the result of a silent collaboration between fast food chains and schools administrations. In fact most ads at schools are promoting companies that have their vending machines, snack bars, or fast food stands in the same school. In a survey done in California, 53%of responding California School Districts reported that their school sold Taco Bell. The corporation between schools and fast food chains is considerably increasing .In fact “in 1990 2% of public schools participating in the national school lunch sold brand name fast foods, by 2003, the number had risen to 65%”(Harris).The frequency of fast foods ads and the extraordinary growth of fast food restaurants at schools is mainly due to the profits schools gain from these companies. Indeed, fast foods chains help school services programs to remain financially stable. Budget shortfalls are forcing school to allow corporations access to students in exchange for badly needed money , and educational materials ”Among districts that have fast foods, 88 % reported using profits to support food service operations. Others said the profits pay for extracurricular activities, athletics, and educational programs” (Bodenhord).The financial profit is actually why school administrations open the doors to fast foods companies , therefore facilitating the corruption of students.

Fast food ads shouldn't be accepted at schools because it can disturb students and therefore affect their grades. Most people admit that attention is the key to a successful academic year. That actually requires a great ability of concentration which itself requires efforts you have to develop in order to forget the external issues(personal problems, personal needs ...).However, the chaos is that schools seem to no more promote concentration by letting fast foods ads access the "last-advertising free outpost of American life.(Schlosser,51). Fast food ads disturb students by taking them from the classroom to the "utopian world", the best imagined place where everything seems perfect. This situation effects student’s performance. Healthy foods affect students’ ability to learn. Researchers from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee found that fast foods reduce students’ performance on math and reading .Dr Kerri Tobin, who carried out the research, said it is found “statically significant relationships between higher than average consumption of fast foods and lowered test scores" (Ka, Fast Foods in California high school). Fast food advertising at school not only affects schools performance but also contradict the perspective of healthier foods.

The presence of fast food ads at school sabotage parents and educators efforts to teach healthy eating habits. Aware of the problems related with junk foods such as iron deficiency, anemia, obesity, eating disorders, and dental caries, schools have recently been “publicly” promoting healthy eating among students. However how can schools pass their message if the presence of fast food ads on campus is alarmingly increasing? There is no doubt that such advertisings contradict the perspective of healthier foods .In fact parents have become more aware of the situation. In a survey done by USA Today/Gallup poll “asking parents to rate school lunches or foods in general, just 21%though that they were very nutritious”( Gallup new service). Foods consumed at schools can’t be healthy if they are still served by the “producers of unhealthy foods”. it doesn’t make sense to talk about healthy foods in a place full of fast food ads.

To conclude it is important to notice how fast food use school administrations to reach children and adolescents. They focus on their profits ignoring the consequences of such acts on children ‘s education and health. Therefore won’t forbidding all collaborations between schools and fast food chains be effective?

Monday, April 19, 2010

outline essay number 1


1. The presence of fast food advertising at schools is due to two main reasons.
· The silent corporations between schools and fast food chains.
· Students are now the target of intensive and specialized food marketing and advertising
2. Schools are not the appropriate place for fast food advertising.

The presence of fast food advertising at school is the result of a silent corporation
between fast food chains and schools administrations. In fact most ads at schools are
promoting companies that have their vending machines, snack bars, or fast food stands in the
same school. In a survey done in California, 53%of responding California School Districts
reported that their school sold Taco Bell. The corporation between schools and fast food chains is
considerably increasing .In fact “in 1990 2% of public schools participating in the national school
lunch sold brand name fast foods, by 2003, the number had risen to 65%”(Harris).The
frequency of fast foods ads and the extraordinary growth of fast food restaurants at schools is
mainly due to the profits schools gain from these companies. Indeed, fast foods chains help
school services programs to remain financially stable. Budget shortfalls are forcing school to
allow corporations access to students in exchange for badly needed money , and educational
materials ”Among districts that have fast foods, 88 % reported using profits to support food
service operations. Others said the profits pay for extracurricular activities, athletics, and
educational programs” (Bodenhord).The financial profit is actually why school administrations
open the doors to fast foods companies , therefore facilitating the corruption of students.
In the recent years, fast food ads are frequent at schools because the food industry in the US
has viewed children and adolescents as a major market force. Children and adolescents are now
the target of intense and specialized food marketing and advertising efforts. Food marketers are
interested in youth as consumers because “they have their own purchasing power, they
influence their parents' buying decisions and they're the adult consumers of the future”(Media
awareness network).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

negative health effects of fast food


This is a journal of Teresa an editor in the Organic Consumer Association. This article explain how fast food is causing problems for the health Westerners in a number of ways. Firstly,it seems that high levels of fat and sugar are not only unhealthy but addictive,which creates a vicious cycle making it hard for people to choosehealthy food. Secondly, aggressive marketing in fast food restaurants is leading to larger than ever servings and targeting children to set their parents patterns for life. And thirdly, the agricultural, preserving and processing techniques that go toward producing low-quality food for the fast-food market are compromising the health of the consumer even further.It also emphasizes on the fact that how food it is produced and who controls it, are important issues. " The way that it is processed and marketed can have a big
effect on health and economics too."


This is an article of Glenn Freiboth giving six negative effects of fast foods.It shows that fast foods have high energy density and defines the concept "high energy density".It resumes results of some research done over the past years.It finalize by showing that fast foods can leads to obesity and heart disease."Fast Food restaurants feed the obesity epidemic by getting people to eat many more calories than they need through persistent advertising."


This magazine article is written by Amanda Williams. It shows how fast foods affect our health.It focuses on the extra calories , that saturated and trans fats, salt,the lack of vitamines and minerals ,the portion size and the additives.Fast food is lacking in nutritional value, as it is rarely made of fresh fruits, vegetables or whole grains. By consuming fast food, you are missing out on essential vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy.


This is an article that answer to the question of why fast foods are dangerous to the health. It shows that fast foods encourages the bad eating habits by offering at least half of the normal
dietary allowance. The article also gives clear explanations about employment and agricultural implantations in the fast food industry. It shows that they offer abundant employments mainly because working in a fast food does not require a college diploma or reasonable career experience. It conclude by saying that fast food domination has several implications both for the health of individuals and for the health of the entire globe."Another issue in the fast food industry is the health hazards that fast food chains are prone to. A particular hazard is the E-coli bacteria that meat products are susceptible to."

SOURCE: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/PictureOfHealth/story?id=4286176&page=1

This is an article from ABC news written by RADHA CHITALE .The article resumes a recent study done by Swedish researchers where 18 healthy, slim teenagers had to be in a fast food diet. Subjects had meals from popular chains twice a day for four week while refraining from exercise. At the end of the experience, subjects had liver damage and gained 16 pounds.The subjects were eating "an outrageously high amount" of calories, said Keith-Thomas Ayoob, associate professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Ayoob said the calorie intake was almost double the average daily caloric intake of most Americans, which is about 2,700 calories. Beside obesity and type 2 diabets, the swedish study showed that the liver is also at risk when you" roll up to the drive-through "

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

From a Fat Republic to a Shorter expectancy

In the "Consumer:A Republic Of Fat" Pollan wrote that"today 's childen may turn out to be the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will actually be shorter than that of their parents."This situation is the consequence of a growing obesity accompany by some health problemes such as stroke and heart disease that are the causes of many death.

The problem of obesity has progressively increased in the last years.Indeed,"16 to 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese.Although rare in the past, obesity is now among the most widespread medical problems affecting children and adolescents living in the United States and other developed countries.Thus, "being overweight during childhood brings with it commodities that will increase the duration of commorbidities in an individual by one to two decades, a factor that can increase the impact of a number of risk factors on adult diseases" (Williams &Deckelbaum,Nature)

Obesity with its several effects on a children's life, increases their risk of many health problems that may affect the children's longevity."The presence of child obesity results in higher rates of high blood pressure"(Falkner ,Aha Journal)which is a major risk factor for stroke and heart attack. Heart diseases are the number one killer in the U.S. and also major causes of disability."Besides an altered metabolic profile, a variety of adaptations in cardiac structure and function occur in the individual as adipose tissue accumulates in excess amounts, even in the absence of comorbidities"(Robertson,113).Hence, obesity may affect the heart through its influence on known risk factors such as hypertension, glucose intolerance.On the whole,obesity predispose to or is just associated with numerous cardiac complications such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, and sudden death because of their impact on the cardiovascular system.
By the same time obesity can also provoke a stroke that is a brain attack.Just like a heart attack , a stroke is a medical emergency that when neglected causes death.Actually,"stroke is the third common cause of death(after heart disease and cancer)"(Maris,1).Obesity leads to a stroke when the BMI (Body Mass Index) is so high that a blood vessel clogged.

When "three of every five Americans are overweight;one of every five is obese"(Pollan,102) it is natural to predict that "today's children may turn out to be the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will actually be shorter than that of their parents"(Pollan,102).

Williams, Deckelbaum. "Obesity Reseach." Science-Busines and Exchange Mar. 2010. Web.
Ferry, Robert Jr. "Obesity in Children." EMedecineHealth 14 Apr. 2010. Web.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Toast to the taxes on sugary beverages!!

In association-sponsored commercials on television and radio, homemakers spout the spurious agument that a tax on sugary drinks would make it more difficult for them to feed their families .However is soda essential in our daily life?Or do we prefer the instant effects of a cold coke to a permanently healthy body.To improve the health of its residents and its coffers the New York State is considering an excise tax of about one penny per once on high-calorie sweetened beverages.
A number of scientific studies have found that the amount of sugar we consume is a major factoron how big Americans have become .In the last Half century , consumption sugar by the average of American has increased by more than 24 pounds a year,expanding waistlines and crowding out more nuitritious foods. Furthermore, the studies indicate that the main dietary culprit for both the increase in sugar and the weight of Americans has been the ever-growing consumption of sugary drinks,especially soda.These soft drinks contribute 7 percent of the calories Americans consume, making them the leading source of added sugar and the single
largest source of caloriesin our diet. "Soft drinks are nutritionally worthless…[and] are directly related to gain weight because beverages are more conducive to weight gain than solid foods"said Michael Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
In the New York Times of April 07th is written that a team of prominent doctors, scientists and policy makers say it could be a powerful weapon in efforts to reduce obesity ,in the same way that cigarette taxes have helped curb smoking.The group, which includes the New York City Health commissioner , Thomas Farley, and Joseph W. Thompson, Arkansas surgeon general, estimates that a tax of a penny /once on sugary beverages would raise $14.9 billion in its first year , which could be spent on health care initiatives. The tax would apply to soft drinks, energy drinks, sports beverages and many juices and iced teas — but not sugar-free diet drinks.
The tax by itself leads to a healthier population and a more powerful economie so why not?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Students are "exhausted"by part-time jobs

Should we have a part-time job while attending high school?

This is a question that everyone should have an idea on as a concerned teenager or a parent.When high school students take after-school jobs, there may be a negative impact on their school achievement.As SCHLOSSER wrote on the page79 of the chapter " BEHIND THE COUNTER","as more and and more kids work to get their own wheels ,fewer participate in after-school sports and activities.They stay at their jobs late into night,neglect their homework and become exausted"".Teenagers are "exhausted " of the two pressions.At that age ,it is difficult to handle the problems of an irritating job and the duties of a demanding school.They work long hours and become too tired to focus on their homework.

"It makes sense: a teen who devotes eighteen or twenty hours a week to shelving restaurants will be hard pressed to find time for homework in higher level math courses, or to write research papers for advanced science, literature, or history classes .Clearly, teens who work after school also are less likely to participate in extra-curricular activities – clubs, sports, and community service projects – which not only impress college admissions personnel, but help build positive attitudes towards school. The more hours teens work, the more likely they are to be absent from school; and high school teachers can unerringly point to the students in their classes who work the longest hours.Working affects school completion and performance. Boys who work between 5 and 15 hours a week are 40% less likely to complete 12th grade. More than half of teens with part-time jobs said work affected the amount of time they spent on school work. 12th grade results were slightly lower for those who worked more than 10 hours a week at a part-time job."Many parents believe part-time jobs increase a teen's sense of responsibility and ease the transition to the adult workplace.It is uncongested that having a part-time job gives a social experience by helping to interact with people from different background,whereas 10 hours are enough for a high school student.The extremely long hours teens spend on their working places restrict their time for knowledge and subjects they can succeed.

Gallis,Victor."How Part-Time Jobs Affect Teen School Performance"."Teenagers at Work".
April 27,2009

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Can a part-time jobs affect school work?

Right now, more than a third of high school students hold part-time jobs; and four out of five are employed at some time while attending high school. (SOURCE:Google.)Companies like McDonald's hire them because they are mostly inexperimented so easier to control.In this way the "dear customers" become the "poor employees ".However can a teenager concentrate in both his study and the part-time he just got?Won't the part-time job be over the school work?

In the page 79 of the chapter "BEHIND THE COUNTER" of ERIC SCHLOSSER said that"as more and more kids work to get their own wheels, fewer participate in after school activities. They stay at their jobs late into the night, neglect their homework, and come to school exhausted." The americain life is expensive so teens need to work extremely long hours in order to feed all their needs.After a long hours of work,they concentrate on their homework which sometimes requiert a lot of time.Teenagers can 't afford the two pressions so the situation is going to affect their grades.Studies have shown that most of the high school students who drop their courses or do not graduate have a part-time job (SOURCE:GOOGLE).Beside the grades it is clear that teens who work after school also are less likely to participate in extra-curricular activities – clubs, sports, and community service projects – which not only impress college admissions personnel, but help build positive attitudes towards school. The more hours teens work, the more likely they are to be absent from school.

Personally I have an example in that sense that i would like to share wih you.My elder sister used to have really good grades while she was in high school.Once she went to college she decided to have a part time job.At the very beginning it was not too hard for her because she was enjoying her first job.Then she could't afford it anymore and that was affecting her grades.By the time she figure out that she needed to stop her job ,it was too late so she failed.Since then my parents are not allowing us to have a part time job while we are in college.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mcdonald's our "Trusted Friend"

AWA KEINDE 03/12/2010

Based on the"Fast Food Nation:The Dark Side of All-American Meal" of Eric Schlosser, published in 2001 ,major a agencies now have children' divisions ,and a variety of marketing firms focus solely on kids.Depenting to the author, the marketer explained that the goal of such advertising "is not just getting kids to whine ,it's giving them a specific reason to ask for the product."This may be what has motivated McDonald's to make of their restaurants adequate places for everyone even kids;the playing areas and the ''Happy Meals "give to children another reason to prefer the McDonald's Corporations."You want the very best for your kids,and so
do we .That's why we have made of quality a top priority" is one of the companies
advertising adressed to parents and showing them how the company can be trusted
.Indeed, Schlosserrote in the page fifty of the same book that the new radio
and television advertisinghad to make people that McDonald's still cared
about them."the challenge of thecampaign is to make customers believe
that McDonald's is their "Trusted Friend.'"'wrote Ray Bergold,the chain's top
marketing executive.
Their casual local and familiar restaurants are simply , but skillfully decorated.Few
hours of concentration in their locals have shown that McDonald's are truly for all
economic classes ,all categories of ages.Customers were entering and going
,eating ,discussing and laughing giving to the local a specific ambiance and
eliminating all kind of morosity.The mixed odor of tea and sandwishes make me
feel like having a cup of their famous Cappucino with one or two sandwishes.
The McDonald's power is maybe emphasized by their collaboration with brands like.
AT&T and Coca-Cola."The marketing alliances with other brands were intended to
create positive feelings about McDonald's ,making consumers associate one thing
they liked with another."Schlosser wrote that americans already drink soda at an
annual rate of about fifty-six gallons per person.In the page fifty four of the''Fast
Food Nation :The Dark Side of All-American Meal" a top executive said that "today
McDonald's sells more Coca-Cola than anyone else in the world."Again on their
perspective to satisfy the youngest generation ,the "Golden Arches " work with
Minute Maid to offer famous apple juice.
With all ages audience McDonald's are using strategies such as innovations
,synergy and kids advertising to capture the interest of its audience and
consequently maintain the brand. McDonald’s ,"I am loving it".